Guess what DogTrekkers, it’s time for the Annual Bay Area Pet Fair and Adoptathon! Last year DogTrekker was on paw to witness the success of the event with 435 adopted animals! This year the goal is to find 500 pets forever homes. Come and join us October 13 and 14th 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at The Marin Center in San Rafael for two days of petcentric fun.
Are you looking for a new family member? Then make a point of heading to The Bay Area Pet Fair because it will have the “most adoptable pets in one place ever in the Bay Area”. Already have more four-legged friends then you can walk at one time? Never fear, there will be more than 200 exhibitors offering everything from products to food, education to entertainment, all geared towards pets!
On top of that there will be all kinds of contests. You can enter your dog in the “My Mutt” contest and see if they have what it takes to walk away with the most Muttalicious prize. KFOG DJ Dennis Constantine will be on hand 12-3 p.m. both days with more great giveaways and Pet Food Express will be giving away a $100 gift card every hour! Not to mention the agility course, rainy day game playing and so many awesome dog demonstrations!

Plus there is a whole Kid’s Pavilion to keep your ankle biters entertained.
Well-behaved dogs are welcomed and in fact encouraged (on a 6 foot maximum leash). Parking and attendance is free so the only question that remains is…what days are you going to go?
Posted on: June 29, 2022