What began in 1984 as a grassroots effort to help Sonoma County deal with the problem of stray and abandoned animals has since evolved into one of the region's most successful shelter and rescue organizations. “What makes Pets Lifeline so unique in the Sonoma Valley is that we’re an hour away from any other municipal or county shelters” says Executive Director Desiree Stinson. “We’re privately owned and depend 100 percent on the community to support us.“
Pets Lifeline handles about 1,000 animals a year through sheltering, fostering and a diverse array of programs including spay/neuter clinics, humane education and obedience training classes. Last year, close to 500 animals were placed in loving homes through the help of adoption counselors who help identify the best pet and human matches. Another 200 lost or stray animals were returned to their owners. Check out the Pets Lifeline website for information on services and volunteer opportunities available to Sonoma County residents with animals’ best interests at heart.
Posted on: June 29, 2022