We sincerely thank each of you for supporting DogTrekker. Whether you’ve read a newsletter, completed a reader survey, shared your travel stories, or answered a rescue/adoption request, we appreciate your involvement and feedback.
COVID-19 was tough on everyone. The pandemic presented unique challenges for travel businesses, and DogTrekker is determined to help destination partners recover. We’ll keep providing quality content, refining our listings and supporting local rescue organizations. In return, we’re asking you for one simple favor. Please help us grow by sharing the DogTrekker newsletter!
Want to help? Dig into the details here…
Since we launched in 2011, the DogTrekker team has directed our revenue to California shelters, rescue organizations and animal welfare groups. Each time we welcome a newsletter subscriber, we reach another person who can help support these vital organizations.
Sharing DogTrekker with your pup-loving friends also boosts the visibility of California restaurants, hotels, shops, parks and small, local businesses that welcome four-legged family members. So please, help us support those who serve dogs by telling a friend about our newsletter! It’s free, it’s quick and it makes a big difference to our partners!
Remember, we never sell, rent or disclose our email lists. Sharing DogTrekker’s work is just one small way you can make a big difference in the lives of dogs across California!
How You Can Help Us Reach New Readers